# Versions ## 2.3.0 - 04/02/2021 Updates - Action needed: - Either clone the new repository. - Or add the following changes to an existing WRFotron: - In `config.bash`, add `netcdf/4.6.3` to the loaded modules. - In `namelist.wrf.blueprint`, remove all instances of `auxinput5/6` from the `&time_control` section. - This fixes meteorological spin up in CEMAC builds [issue](https://github.com/wrfchem-leeds/WRFotron/issues/24). - In `namelist.chem.blueprint`, change `dust_opt` to 13. - This replaces dust_opt 3 for WRFChem4.2 [issue](https://github.com/wrfchem-leeds/WRFotron/issues/25). - In `pre.bash`, remove duplicate `WRF_UoM_EMIT/` in path for copying over the `final_output` (line 149). - No action needed: - CEMAC conda module includes python libraries required for post-processing (`pp_concat_regrid.py`) script. - CEMAC modulefile for WRFChem4.2 updated for build 2. - This fixes the N2O5 chemistry [issue](https://github.com/wrfchem-leeds/WRFotron/issues/23). - CEMAC build for WPSChem3.7.1 fixed for geogrid and metgrid. - Removed superfluous `anthro_emis.inp` from WRF_UoM_EIT. ## 2.2.0 - 10/11/2020 Updates - Changing default settings to turn on heterogeneous uptake of N2O5 onto aerosol particles. Within `namelist.chem.blueprint`, `n2o5_hetchem = 1`. - Added [introductory Python course](https://github.com/wrfchem-leeds/python-scripts/tree/master/introduction_to_python) for analysing WRFChem output. - Added blueprints for CEMAC/manual compilation runs. - Added Python postprocessing script. - Changed default cores to 64. ## 2.1.0 - 23/06/2020 Updates - WRF-Chem4.2 - Fixes the performance interval of WRFChem4.0.3 [issue](https://github.com/wrfchem-leeds/WRFotron/issues/4). - If still use WRFChem3.7.1, then add aqueous chemistry in stratocumulus clouds in WRFChem3.7.1 [issue](https://github.com/wrfchem-leeds/WRFotron/issues/5). - Refactored the GitHub repository: - Converted user guide to readthedocs.io documentation. - Focus on CEMAC WRFotron. - Removed old WRFotron code but kept a reference to the settings they used in the user guide. - Removed superfluous files. - Added no binding for MPI executions `-bind-to none` in `main.bash` and `main_restart.bash`. - Added NCO and chemistry variables list version checks to `main.bash` and `main_restart.bash`. - Changed the default memory per core to 2G for `main.bash` and `main_restart.bash`. ## 2.0.0 - 01/02/2019 Updates - WRFChem4.0.3. - With aqueous chemistry in stratocumulus clouds (`cldchem_onoff = 1`). - Works with WRFChem4.0.3. - Biomass burning plume rise throughout the boundary layer (`bbinjectscheme = 2`). - The original option 2 was 50% at the surface and 50% evenly throughout the BL. - The new option 2 has all BB emissions evenly distributed throughout the BL. - To add the bbinjectscheme to any new version of WRFChem see [here](https://github.com/wrfchem-leeds/WRFotron/blob/master/guides/add_bbinjectscheme.md). - Diurnal cycle from Olivier et al., (2003). - Aerosol optical properties approximated by Maxwell-Garnett. - Updated TUV scheme for photolysis (`phot_opt = 4`). - Download the additional data files [here](http://www.acom.ucar.edu/wrf-chem/TUV.phot.bz2) to your `WRFChem/run` folder. - Extract the data directories `DATAE1` and `DATAJ1`, and the `wrf_tuv_xsqy.nc` file from downloaded file using `tar xvf TUV.phot.bz2`. - Initial and boundary conditions for chemistry from WACCM for post 2018 or CAM-Chem for pre 2018 [here](https://github.com/wrfchem-leeds/WRFotron/blob/master/guides/CESM-WRFchem_aerosols_plusgas.pdf). - Fixed the bug where nudging would stop after 312 hours (i.e. after day 13 of a simulation) i.e. changed `gfdda_end_h` to 10,000. - Nudge above the boundary layer. To do this, go into `namelist.wrf.blueprint`, and within the FDDA section change: ```bash if_no_pbl_nudging_uv = 1, 1, 1, ! nudging of u and v in the PBL, 0 = yes, 1 = no if_no_pbl_nudging_t = 1, 1, 1, ! nudging of t in the PBL, 0 = yes, 1 = no if_no_pbl_nudging_q = 1, 1, 1, ! nudging of q in the PBL, 0 = yes, 1 = no ``` - Hard-coded NCL and NCO commands. - Fixed the bug where within the anthro_emiss namelist for EDGAR-HTAP2, NH3 was incorrectly set as an aerosol i.e. removed (a) in the emis_map. - Fixed the bug in plume rise where extra biomass burning mass was added aloft when the thickness of the vertical grid (dz) increases by altitude. - Within `chem/module_chem_plumerise_scalar.F`: - `dz_flam=zzcon(k2)-zzcon(k1-1) ! original version`. - `dz_flam=zzcon(k2+1)-zzcon(k1) ! fixed version`. - Corrected the `metInc` within config.bash for ECMWF to be 6 (3 was for GFS). - Added the faster version of post.bash from Helen Burns in CEMAC. - Hard coded NCL and NCO commands in. - Also, removed the deletion of pre-processed and temporary wrfout files from the staging directory, as these are often needed for error diagnosis. ## 1.0.0 - 01/06/2018 Updates - MOZART-MOSAIC 4 bin, with aqueous chemistry and VBS SOA (`chem_opt = 202`). - Without aqueous chemistry in stratocumulus clouds (`cldchem_onoff = 0`). - Does not work with WRF-Chem version 3.7.1. - Morrison microphysics (`mp_physics = 10`). - Initial and boundary conditions for meteorology from ECMWF. - 38 meteoroglogical levels. - 3 meteorological soil levels for WRFChem4.0.3 and 4 for WRFChem3.7.1. - Consistent timestep for chemistry and biogenics with meteorology. ## 0.0.0 - 15/10/2015 - WRFChem3.7.1. - Single domain. - Continuous nudged meteorology each timestep (with target fields on a 3-hour update freq) with chemical restarts. - Initial and boundary conditions for meteorology from GFS. - Initial and boundary conditions for chemistry from MOZART. - MOZART-MOSAIC 4 bin, without aqueous chemistry and simple SOA (`chem_opt = 201`). - Horizontal spatial resolution of 30 km spatial resolution. - 33 vertical levels. - 27 meteoroglogical levels. - 180 second timestep for meteorology. - Thompson microphysics scheme (`mp_physics = 8`). - Radiation from RRTMG for both long and short-wave. - Boundary layer scheme from Mellor-Yamada Nakanishi and Niino-2.5. - Noah Land Surface Model. - Convective parameterisation from Grell 3-D ensemble. - Photolysis scheme from Madronich fTUV. - Emissions. - Anthropogenic from EDGAR-HTAPv2.2. - Fire from FINN. - Biogenic from MEGAN. - Dust from GOCART with AFWA.